Easy Ways to Make your Eyes Sparkle
Everyone knows the eyes are the key to your soul. However, it is so easy to get dull, stressed, or exhausted eyse with the stress and duress of everyday life. Continuing to push yourself or take care of your family will surely show through your eyes. Whether you have to take photos today, speak in front of a crowd, or just go out around friends, getting bright eyes is a must. But having clear bright eyes is not as always as easy it seems due to stress, sleep deprivation, or any other causes of red puffy or drowsy eyes. Here are some cheap easy tips that will help give you clear bright eyes to look beautiful all day.

- Many times when you don’t get enough sleep at night, you wake up with bags under your eyes. To help hide bags all you need is a little concealer! Concealer is awesome for hiding imperfections as well as discolorations. Concealer is used to cover and camouflage blemishes, under eye circles, and skin redness. A touch of concealer can go a long way to hide bags under your eyes and give you a clear brighter look. Concealer is sold in a variety of shades so find the best match for your skin tone and apply a little under your eyes.
- Highlighting and Contouring has become a worldwide trend for beauties these days. Whether you wake up looking exhausted or drowsy, applying a highlighter to your face will help brighten up your complexion, especially around your eyes. Highlighters help give you a healthy glow. Get a highlighter 2-3 shades lighter than your skin complexion. The highlighters uses reflective properties to add dimension to your face.
White Eyeliner
- Another secret to brightening up your eyes is applying a white eyeliner on your bottom lids. Unbeknownst to a lot of people is that when you apply a white eyeliner to your bottom lids, it instantly brightens up your eyes. It makes your eyes POP! This works great if you wake up super exhausted with tired eyes. Apply a white eyeliner to your bottom eyelids and brighten those eyes up instantly!
- For red eyes, a drop or two of eyewater does the trick. Whether your eyes are red from the lack of sleep or irritated from the stress of life, eyedrops will fix it. Always make sure to have a stash of eyedrops in your first aid kit.
Light Colored Eyeshadow
- Applying a small hint of a bright colored eyeshadow only to the inner corners of your eyes gives you an instant boost. Once you apply your normal makeup and eyeshadow, all you have to do it put a dab of white, gold, or ivory eyeshadow in the inner corner of your eyes. Only apply a small amount, around the size of a peanut. This will give your eyes an irresistible glow.
Looking gorgeous has a lot to do with having bright eyes. No matter how tired, exhausted, stressed, or depressed you are, you can instantly make your eyes bright and go on with your day. Just follow these tips and you’ll have bright sparkling eyes in no time.