Beauty Tips for Your Venus Sign

Each of the twelve signs of the zodiac has its own style, but if you really want to know what suits your unique personality you need to forget your sun sign. It is the sign where you find the planet Venus in your horoscope that pinpoints your personal fashion and beauty style.
Why is this so? The sun sign is a quick shorthand for describing aspects of your personality, but it isn’t the whole picture. Look to your sun sign to figure out your best career options, or your path in life. When it comes to looking your best, Venus is your new best friend. Wherever you find her in your natal chart lies the secret to your hottest look.
These days it is very simple to find out your personal Venus sign. Just go to a site like astro.com or type ‘free natal charts’ into your web browser and create a natal chart online. You will need to to know your date and place of birth. When the chart has been generated, look for the position of Venus. The symbol for Venus is a circle with a cross at the bottom, if it is not named. Now check the sign Venus is in, and read below for your beauty and fashion tips.
Venus in Aries: Red is the color of Aries and it is the color you look great in. Red lipstick, a little red dress, red shoes – the Arian Venus knows how to knock ’em dead. When you walk into a room you make an impact, and your racy style gets pulses racing as well. You stay that way with competitive sports and long hours at the gym. Your perfume should be modern and fresh, and your make-up routine fast and simple.
Venus in Taurus: The most sensuous Venus of them all, it’s luxury all the way in fashion and beauty products. Starting with lacy matching foundation garments, you wardrobe exudes feminine mystique. You collect investment pieces like Hermes scarves and bags, and any perfume not by Chanel brings you out in hives. You want to be wined and dined, and you dress to impress in gowns and day dresses, but you do also have a great casual style that suits lounging on a yacht – just not in gym clothes.
Venus in Gemini: Pretty, flirtatious and hard to pin down to any one style for very long, that’s you. You love whatever is trending now but what you really like is easy modern fashion that keeps up with you and doesn’t restrict you while getting in and out of taxis. You like to be seen, on the scene, having coffee with the girls and drinks with the boys. Your colors are youthful and bright with plenty of white. Add a pot of lip gloss that you can apply on the run and you are good to go.
Venus in Cancer: This Venus cutie is the retro Queen. Not satisfied with one fashion era, you want them all, whether it’s 60s sex kitten, pencil thin 30s elegance or Hollywood glamour from the 40s. There isn’t a vintage style you can’t rock, from Rosie the Riveter to Barbarella. You have an eye for vintage bargains as well, which you pick up from eBay or second hand shops. You watch old school TV for fashion tips. As for colors, whatever was hot in your chosen era suits you just fine, while you are probably best just sticking to vintage perfume.

Venus in Leo: You are the zodiac’s golden girl. That proud carriage and cat-like grace are unmistakable. Venus in Leo walks loud and proud into a room and shines like the purest gold and brightest diamond. You love high fashion, but not gimmicky trends. You can flip though Vogue and instantly spot what will suit your leonine look. Maybe it’s a little ostentatious sometimes, but as long as the bling is the real thing, you can’t fail. Gold, white and red are your power colors. Your fragrance should be expensive but modern.
Venus in Virgo: There is something so pristine about this Venus sign that it stands alone from all the rest. This Venus is as close to perfection as it gets, with never a hair out of place or a wardrobe malfunction to mar the finished look. You prefer natural clean skin, make that is barely there and fashion that looks as if no innocent creature suffered in its making. Organic or recycled clothing suits your nature loving aesthetic and good health is far more important to you than the latest tends in cosmetics. The colors of nature suit you best – gentle ecru, fresh flower shades and forest greens, as do natural flower fragrances.
Venus in Libra: The utter gorgeousness of Venus in Libra has to be seen to be believed. Everything with this sign is about harmony, and Venus is absolutely at home here. There is no dizzy chasing after the latest trends or fashion gimmicks – everything about Venus in Libra is tasteful, elegant and quite sexy. This is a Venus placement that can make mid-knee length dirndl skirts and high collars look sexy. The look is always classically romantic and swoon-worthy in shades of rose, lavender and turquoise. The fragrance is classic and preferably French.
Venus in Scorpio: Sultry, sexy Scorpio is a dangerous placing for warm sensual Venus. The two combined make that sort of drop-dead beauty that transcends mere fashion. You set your own style, and your own standards, and you don’t like to be pedestrian or predictable. You exude an air of mystery – how much of your look is nature, how much artifice? Only you know, but you rock a little black dress like nobody’s business and that perfume you wear is no flashy movie star tie-in but something fabulously exclusive and seductive. Wear blood red when you want to knock ’em dead.
Venus in Sagittarius: This Venus is bold and adventurous, and the usual beauty routine is to cover unruly hair with a hoodie and go for a ten mile hike in the wilderness. You are no follower, and fashion is one of those things you follow only as long as it amuses you – and that isn’t for long. Your beauty routine has to be adaptable to any climate and any conditions, so fast simple solutions are right for you. Don’t leave home without your BB cream. As for fashion, as long as you can ride a horse, climb a mountain or surf the waves in it, you’re not really bothered. But faded blue, crisp white and torn denim look superb on you. Your fragrance should smell of the great outdoors.
Venus in Capricorn: This canny Venus knows the value of a buck, and sums up gimmicky trends in one word – ‘cheap!’. The essential investment dresser, you are on the lookout for timeless fashion, ageless beauty and products that work. Luckily, Venus in Capricorn has an uncanny knack of getting younger as she gets older. As long as you take care of yourself from the inside out you will always seem modern and up to date in any era. That’s because you have the happy knack of knowing what suits you, and defining your personal goals. You look great in dark colors with a touch of crisp white. Your fragrance should be strictly classic and long lasting.
Venus in Aquarius: The most original thinker in the zodiac, this Venus is always way ahead of the trends, and spot on in homing in on what will be hot next season. Quirky and rebellious, this Venus reinvents herself as she goes along. With Venus in this sign, you were Goth before it became mainstream and moved on to something else long before then anyway. Whatever you are up to is a clue to the future. Learn about herbs and make your own lotions and potions and dress in natural fabrics.. Essential oils are the right fragrances for you and you can mix up your own signature scent.
Venus in Pisces: Dreamy and slightly out of this world, this Venus has beautiful long shiny hair and loves shoes – but they don’t love her! No other sign has so much trouble with their feet, but you will hide your agony just to be able to wear those perfect Manolos. Venus in Pisces is really most at home barefoot on a beach, wearing dreamy filmy dresses and a big hand to shield her sensitive skin from the sun. Your colors are sand, sea and sky, your fragrance straight out of nature, with an ocean freshness, or exotic spicy notes like ylang ylang. As you live life in a dream, you can be a dream walking!
Getting in touch with your inner Venus can be a rewarding and exciting way to explore your relationship with fashion and beauty, whatever sign it is in.