3 Most Effective Arm Workouts
Arms can sometimes be the most stubborn areas for fat to stick. And no one likes having flabby arms. Set your mind to get rid of your flabby arms with these most effective arm workouts. It doesn’t take long each day but you do need to be consistent to get the results you want. Also note that your muscles will be sore, but with beauty comes a little pain. Be sure to grab you a protein drink before and after your workouts to give your body the nutrients it need to recover.
Boxing is a sport that not only exercises your arms but it is a wonderful full body workout. Punches, jabs, and uppercuts work wonders for the arms. Three minutes of boxing is all you need to get a good workout. That’s it! But trust me, those three minutes will feel like 3 hours and your body will surely feel it as well. Be sure to drink a good protein shake before and after boxing as your muscles will need some rejuvenation from the exercises.
Tennis is a great workout in general. But tennis is also great for the arms. From serving the ball to hitting your backhand, all of the elements involved in tennis work your arms. You can always go serve the ball if you do not have anyone to play with or find a hitting wall and hit on it. Or you don’t have to go alone. Find a local tennis court, some friends that like to play tennis, your spouse, or join a tennis meetup and get out a play some tennis.
Strength Exercises
Strength exercises will surely give you toned arms in no time. This can range from a combination of biceps and triceps exercises. Some machine exercise include: biceps curls, triceps curls, dips machine, and triceps extension.
Some weight exercises with free weights include: overhead triceps extension, bicep curl, triceps extensions with dumbbells, concentration curls, and hammer curls.
Using a 5, 10, or 15 lb weight is my suggestion when starting out with weight exercises. Always remember to listen to your body. Don’t overdo it.
Remember it takes more than one day to see results. Set a schedule. Be consistent and motivated to get toned arms. That’s all it takes. Choose which of the above effective workout you would like and stay true to your exercising daily and you will get the results you want. You can do it!